19:00:46 <jillr> #startmeeting Ansible Diversity Working Group | Agenda:
19:00:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul  8 19:00:46 2021 UTC.
19:00:46 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:46 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_diversity_working_group_|_agenda:_'
19:00:51 <jillr> #chair misc
19:00:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: jillr misc
19:00:53 <misc> o/
19:02:11 <jillr> #topic clc ( app follow up
19:02:27 <jillr> misc: were you able to give this a try on ocp?
19:02:55 <misc> jillr: a quick try, and it didn't work, cause it was a bit more complex than what I expect
19:03:35 <jillr> thanks for testing it!
19:03:46 <misc> I do not remember the problem, I think I was blocked on the integration on ocp, and how to checkout the git repo
19:04:15 <misc> I kinda think that's more suitable for a VM
19:04:42 <misc> (I like openshift a lot, but taking code not made for openshift and run it in openshift is a endless source of work :/ )
19:05:58 <jillr> Do we have any internal service for VMs? Like rdocloud or something?
19:06:14 <jillr> I could put something up on AWS too
19:06:40 <misc> my team has a bunch of hypervisor for public infra
19:06:53 <misc> and we also have a old ovirt cluster, even if I am not sure if this is not down
19:07:09 <jillr> do you think it's worth trying to pursue clc more?
19:07:50 <misc> given that one of the 2 contributors is in my team, i kinda expect someone to ask, so yeah, I will try more
19:08:10 <jillr> hehe
19:08:26 <jillr> oh hah, yeah I just looked at the list
19:08:54 <jillr> if you can't find a good hypervisor ping me and I can put an instance on our AWS account
19:09:29 <misc> ok, i will keep that in mind
19:09:50 <misc> (but that's just adding more options, as I already have 2 RH paid aws account to abuse)
19:10:21 <jillr> they probably all roll up to the same Org anyway  :)
19:10:38 <misc> yeah
19:11:34 <jillr> I think that's our only open action and there's nothing new on the agenda, so I'll open the floor
19:11:39 <jillr> #topic open floor
19:13:32 <jillr> should we call it?  I don't have anything
19:14:03 <misc> nothing either
19:14:15 <jillr> #endmeeting